Usage Statistics for OpenNJ

The data below shows details for the views that occurred at each level of the collection hierarchy (Collection Groups, Collections, SubCollections).

These statistics show the number of times users:

  • navigated to the collection main pages
  • browsed the items or information about the collection
  • performed searches against the items contained in the collection
  • viewed titles and items contained within the collection

For the specialized item-level view details, see Item Views by Date. The Definitions page provides more details about the statistics and words used below.

Selected Date Range

The usage for all the collections appears below for the following data range:

From:     To:    

To change the date shown, choose your dates above and hit the GO button.

Summary by Collection

2 ANALYTICGEOM_CALC     ANALYTICGEOM_CALC Analytic Geometry and Calculus - Bosler 3990 506 382 352 1 199 3086
3 ANATOMY     ANATOMY Biological Specimens 0 1591 780 628 1 0 0
4 ASTRONOMY     ASTRONOMY Astronomy 0 1555 757 604 1 0 0
5 BIOLOGY     BIOLOGY Biology 3636 1676 945 706 2 109 2993
6 BUSINESS     BUSINESS Business 47428 4817 1073 3505 69 1234 41614
7 CHEMISTRY     CHEMISTRY Chemistry 69076 5054 1026 3751 307 1300 62765
8 CHEMISTRY-GRINIAS     CHEMISTRY-GRINIAS Chemistry I & II 1975 197 115 137 3 35 1653
9 COMPUTERSCIENCE     COMPUTERSCIENCE Computer Science 29361 120 98 74 11 428 28709
10 ECONOMICS     ECONOMICS Economics 0 1592 765 645 1 0 0
11 FINANCIAL-ACCOUNTING     FINANCIAL-ACCOUNTING Financial Accounting 10101 410 353 279 5 16 9371
16 HISTORY     HISTORY History 0 1567 760 609 1 0 0
17 MATHEMATICS     MATHEMATICS Mathematics 17432 3896 899 2607 66 617 13594
18 MYTEST     MYTEST Career and Technical Education OER 0 649 160 398 1 0 0
19 OERTOOLKIT     OERTOOLKIT OER Training & Development 115503 18150 1661 8496 18193 9527 76812
20 OERTOOLKIT OERPLANS2020   OERPLANS2020 Institutional OER Plans 2020 1082 107 68 56 1 248 830
21 OTC     OTC Open Textbook Collaborative 103799 5287 5052 3904 948 4597 88674
22 OTC ACCOUNTING1-KOURANI   ACCOUNTING1-KOURANI Accounting I - Kourani 685 82 113 40 0 29 602
23 OTC ACCOUNTING2-KOURANI   ACCOUNTING2-KOURANI Accounting II - Kourani 0 52 37 18 0 0 24
24 OTC ALGEBRA-BENKO   ALGEBRA-BENKO Algebra - Benko 0 135 38 77 0 0 0
25 OTC BEGINNING-ALGEBRA   BEGINNING-ALGEBRA Beginning Algebra 7510 325 584 223 3 237 6397
26 OTC COMPUTER-SECURITY   COMPUTER-SECURITY Computer Systems Security 4120 222 327 130 1 25 3588
27 OTC CONSTRUCTION-MARINO   CONSTRUCTION-MARINO Construction 4953 415 500 402 2 113 3838
29 OTC JAVA-SIMBER   JAVA-SIMBER Computer Programming - Java 8667 403 506 316 5 87 7676
30 OTC MICROBIO-CHRISTENSEN   MICROBIO-CHRISTENSEN Microbiology 1613 47 297 123 1 32 1154
31 OTC ORGANIC-CHEMISTRY   ORGANIC-CHEMISTRY Organic Chemistry 3935 280 366 190 2 48 3544
32 OTC PHYSICS-TABANLI   PHYSICS-TABANLI Physics 1 - Tabanli 4928 403 603 362 15 93 3770
33 OTC PYTHON   PYTHON Computer Programming Python 29511 2259 1312 2012 62 1762 24034
34 OTC SUPPLY-CHAIN   SUPPLY-CHAIN Supply Chain Management 1443 427 457 314 3 209 413
35 OTC VIRTUAL-MICROSCOPE   VIRTUAL-MICROSCOPE Virtual Microscope I 5534 479 608 286 20 136 4397
36 OTC_ABCS     OTC_ABCS OER ABCs 0 158 42 94 0 0 0
37 OTC_OER_ABCS     OTC_OER_ABCS OER ABCs 0 217 305 136 1 0 0
38 OTC_OPENNJ     OTC_OPENNJ Open Textbook Collaboration OpenNJ Repository System 0 259 349 245 1 0 0
39 OTC_TRAINING     OTC_TRAINING OTC Training and Development 587 757 1090 1132 13 9 118
41 PHYSICS     PHYSICS Physics 2301 1271 872 465 2 28 1887
42 POLITICALSCIENCE     POLITICALSCIENCE Political science 0 1193 706 398 1 0 0
43 PSYCHOLOGY     PSYCHOLOGY Psychology 5911 4123 999 3024 85 638 1283
45 SOCIOLOGY     SOCIOLOGY Sociology 0 1194 704 397 1 0 0
46 TEST     TEST Test collection 2871 3086 928 2003 25 120 320
47 VALE_OERCOLLAB     VALE_OERCOLLAB VALE OER Collaborative Projects 2126 1178 256 905 0 102 785
48 TOTAL     ZZZ TOTAL 2816248 747449 123111 352966 343948 64003 1528853