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About Financial Accounting

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This collection contains the output from two OTC projects.

Financial Accounting I provides an introduction to financial accounting, including balance sheets, the accounting cycle, receivables, and long-lived assets. The course consists of a downoadable textbook with text, self-check assignments, and comprehension problems, broken into ten chapters.

Financial Accounting II includes an OER textbook, original content and remixed material for Financial Accounting II. 70+ short videos for each topic will enhance students' understanding of the concepts.

 The two Financial Accounting books are licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.

This material was funded by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) of the U.S. Department of Education for the Open Textbooks Pilot grant awarded to Middlesex College for the Open Textbook Collaborative.


Collection Items
Introduction to Financial Accounting I

Introduction to Financial Accounting I  

Creator: Kourani, Khloud
Series Title: Introduction to Financial Accounting I - Kourani
Publication Date: 2022
Publisher: Open Textbook Collaborative ( New Jersey )
Resource Type: Textual
Material Type:  textbook
Open Education Resource
Open and Affordable Textbooks (OAT)
The Accounting Process
Subject Keyword: Financial Accounting
Intended End User: Learner
Introduction to Financial Accounting I
Introduction to Financial Accounting II

Introduction to Financial Accounting II  

Creator: Kourani, Khloud
Series Title: Introduction to Financial Accounting II - Kourani
Publication Date: 2023
Publisher: Open Textbook Collaborative ( New Jersey )
Resource Type: Textual
Material Type:  Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword:  Open Education Resource
Open and Affordable Textbooks (OAT)
Capital Stock Transactions
Intended End User: Learner
Introduction to Financial Accounting II