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About Open Textbook Collaboration OpenNJ Repository System

This collection includes the OpenNJ Repository System  training resources that were developed for the Open Textbook Collaborative (OTC) Career and Technical Education collection. These training resources and the OER developed for the OTC were funded by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) of the U.S. Department of Education for the Open Textbooks Pilot grant. The grant runs through 2023.  For more information, go to our Open Textbook Collaborative website. 

The Open Textbook Collaborative is administered by Middlesex College, Edison, NJ.  Contact us for more information.

OpenNJ Repository System  (Available Fall 2023)    
OpenNJ Repository System: Getting Started with Open NJ OpenNJ Repository System: Searching the OpenNJ OpenNJ Repository System: OpenPublishing: Creating New Items OpenNJ Repository System: OpenPublishing: Revising and Remixing