- Summary:
- Math in Society is a free, open textbook. This book is a survey of contemporary mathematical topics, most non-algebraic, appropriate for a college-level quantitative literacy topics course for liberal arts majors. The text is designed so that most chapters are independent, allowing the instructor to choose a selection of topics to be covered. Emphasis is placed on the applicability of the mathematics. Core material for each topic is covered in the main text, with additional depth available through exploration exercises appropriate for in-class, group, or individual investigation.
- Citation/Reference:
- Lippman, D. (2017). Math in society (2.5). Pierce College Fort Steilacoom. http://www.opentextbookstore.com/mathinsociety/
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- Pierce College Fort Steilacoom
- Holding Location:
- OpenTextBookStore
- Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work even for commercial reasons, as long as they credit the author and license their new creations under the identical terms.