No. Title Date
281 General Chemistry Supplement
282 General Physics I (Calculus Majors)
283 General Physics I (non-calculus)
284 General Physics I - Topic 11-12 : Fluids (OpenStax Chapters 14-15)
285 General Physics I : Force and Newton's Laws (Topics 4-5)
286 General Physics I : Impulse Momentum Collisions (Topic 8)
287 General Physics I : Kinematics (Topic 2)
288 General Physics I : Oscillatory Motion and Waves (Topic 16)
289 General Physics I : Physics of Hearing (Topic 17)
290 General Physics I : Projectiles and Motion in 2D (Topic 3)
291 General Physics I : Rotational Kinematics, Centripetal Force, and Gravitation (Topic 6)
292 General Physics I : Temperature, Kinetic Theory, and the Gas Laws (Topic 13)
293 General Physics I : Thermodynamics (Topic 15)
294 General Physics I : Torque, Statics, and Rotational Dynamics (Topics 9-10)
295 General Physics I : Work Energy (Topic 7)
296 General Physics II (Calculus Majors)
297 General Physics II (non-Calculus)
298 Genocide and Holocaust HIS 260 Libguide
299 If You Build It, Will They Come? Grassroots Growth of an OER Program
300 The Iliad