Material Information
- Title:
- Write Here, Right Now: An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research
- Creator:
- Tucker, Aaron ( Author, Primary )
Chafe, Paul ( Author, Primary )
- Publisher:
- Ryerson University
- Publication Date:
- 2018
- Abstract:
- Write Here, Right Now: An interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research utilizes PressBooks to create and host a writing e-textbook for first year university students that would effectively integrate into the flipped classroom model. The textbook could also be used for non-flipped classroom designs, as the embedded videos, diagrams and linked modules would act as an all-in-one multimedia textbook geared towards multiple learning styles and disciplines. The components of the textbook, including the embedded videos, could be swapped in and out in order to accommodate a professor’s best idea of his/her own course design.
- Citation/Reference:
- Tucker, Aaron, and Paul Chafe. Write Here, Right Now: An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research. Ryerson University, 2018,
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- Rowan College of South Jersey
- Holding Location:
- Rowan College of South Jersey
- Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution License. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation.