Computer Systems Security: Planning for Success |
Creator: | | Tolboom, Ryan |
Series Title: | | Computer Systems Security - Tolboom |
Publication Date: | | 2022 |
Publisher: | | Open Textbook Collaborative ( New Jersey ) |
Resource Type: | | Textual |
Description: | | 120 pp |
Material Type: | |
textbook full course activity Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword: | |
Security Solutions Cryptography Malware Protocols Attacks
Intended End User: | | Learner |
Computer Systems Security: Planning for Success |
Criminal Justice |
Resource Type: | | Textual |
Material Type: | |
full course Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword: | |
Open Education Resources Open Courseware Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice |
Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction |
Creator: | | Levin, Oscar ( Author, Primary ) |
Publication Date: | | 2019 |
Publisher: | | University of Northern Colorado |
Resource Type: | | Book |
Edition: | | 3rd Edition |
Subject Keyword: | |
Open and Affordable Textbooks (OAT) Mathematics Textbook
Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction |
Lifespan Development |
Creator: | |
Carter, Sarah ( Author, Primary ) Clark-Plaskie, Margaret ( Author, Primary ) Dickman, Daniel ( Author, Primary ) Jones, Tera ( Author, Primary ) Lazzara, Julie ( Author, Primary )
Publication Date: | | 2019 |
Publisher: | | Lumen Learning |
Resource Type: | | Textual |
Material Type: | |
full course Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword: | |
Open Education Resources Psychology Lifespan Development
Lifespan Development |
Principles of Management |
Creator: | | Lumen Learning ( Publisher ) |
Series Title: | | Principles of Management - Lumen Learning ( Publisher ) |
Resource Type: | | Textual |
Material Type: | |
full course Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword: | |
Open Education Resources Courseware Management
Principles of Management |
Principles of Management |
Creator: | |
Bruton, John Bruton, Linda Heflin, Jeff Lambarki,Talia Jo Rudy, Lisa
Series Title: | | Principles of Management - Bruton |
Resource Type: | | Textual |
Material Type: | |
full course Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword: | |
Open Education Resources Courseware Business Management Business management
Principles of Management |
Principles of Microbiology Laboratory Manual |
Creator: | | Christensen, Erin |
Series Title: | | Principles of Microbiology - Christensen - Christensen |
Publication Date: | | 7/11/23 |
Publisher: | | Open Textbook Collaborative ( New Jersey ) |
Resource Type: | | Book |
Description: | | 167 pp.; workbook |
Edition: | | 1st |
Subject Keyword: | |
safety microscopy aseptic technique staining microbiology
Intended End User: | | Teacher, Learner |
Principles of Microbiology Laboratory Manual |
Substance Abuse: Causes, Enforcement, Prevention |
Creator: | | Sakiyama, Mari |
Series Title: | | CRJ 315 |
Publication Date: | | 2023 |
Resource Type: | | Mixed Material |
Material Type: | | full course |
Subject Keyword: | |
Open Education Resources (OER) Criminal justice Social work Substance abuse Substance use
Substance Abuse: Causes, Enforcement, Prevention |
Waymaker Biology for Majors II |
Creator: | |
Lumen Learning Carter, Shelli Scott, Monisha
Publication Date: | | 2021 |
Resource Type: | | Textual |
Material Type: | |
full course Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword: | |
Open Education Resources (OER) Open Courseware Biology
Waymaker Biology for Majors II |
Write Here, Right Now: An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research |
Creator: | |
Tucker, Aaron ( Author, Primary ) Chafe, Paul ( Author, Primary )
Publication Date: | | 2018 |
Publisher: | | Ryerson University |
Resource Type: | | Book |
Subject Keyword: | |
Textbook English
Write Here, Right Now: An Interactive Introduction to Academic Writing and Research |