Material Information

Waymaker Biology for Majors II
Lumen Learning
Carter, Shelli
Scott, Monisha
Publication Date:

Learning Resource Information

Aggregation Level:
Level 1 - a single, atomic object


Subjects / Keywords:
Open Education Resources (OER)
Open Courseware
full course
Textual ( sobekcm )


The second in a two-course sequence, this gateway biology course provides a strong foundation in principles of biology for students majoring in life science, medical, and healthcare fields. Primary topics include the history of life; viruses, prokaryotes, protists, and fungi; plant diversity, structure and functions; animal diversity and body systems (nervous, endocrine, reproductive, sensory, circulatory, respiratory, immune, digestive, excretory, musculoskeletal, and integumentary), and the ecology of life. The course incorporates Cerego practice sets to aid students as they learn relevant vocabulary. This course was developed by Lumen Learning, with contributing work from Shelli Carter and Monisha Scott. The course is based on the OpenStax textbook Biology, supplemented with relevant materials from Khan Academy and videos from multiple sources. Original practice activities were authored by Shelli Carter and Lumen Learning in the development of this course. This course was updated on February 2021. The content for Biology for Majors I & II has been updated to include recent changes found in the primary source of content, OpenStax Biology 2e. Additionally, improvements to the course include: Each course in the biology series now contains in-page practice questions with immediate feedback for each learning outcome. Each course in the biology series has a number of interactives addressing the more challenging learning outcomes or topics of current interest. For example, see our new interactive for the SARS-CoV-2 module here. We have swapped Cerego for H5P flashcards. A login is no longer required to view this study tool. Virtual Lab recommendations.
Submitted by OpenNJ staff Submitted by Rachel Pieters.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Lumen Learning
Holding Location:
Lumen Learning
Rights Management:
This courseware includes resources copyrighted and openly licensed by multiple individuals and organizations. Click the words "Licenses and Attributions" at the bottom of each page for copyright and licensing information specific to the material on that page. If you believe that this courseware violates your copyright, please contact us.

Related Items

Related Item:
OpenStax Biology 2e