Java Programming: Basics to Advanced Concepts Advanced Programming Workshop

Material Information

Java Programming: Basics to Advanced Concepts Advanced Programming Workshop
Simber, Chris ( Author, Primary )
Simber, Chris
Publication Date:


This book is intended for use in a programming course in Java for students who are familiar with computer programming in another language such as C++ or Python. It follows the flow of a standard text for a programming language, with a focus on highlighting Java specifics and differences. This means that it moves quickly from variables to multi-file, multi-window advanced programming in a how to implement things in Java that they already know perspective. The goal is to provide students with the differences that can be expected when programming in Java, in addition to the capabilities of the language. The text is designed for instruction in a course in which students develop a semester-long project in Java, but can be used for courses that require multiple programs as well. The classroom format for the semester-long project is a brief lecture followed by a collaborative or team workshop. An example of a comprehensive project is provided in Appendix C and others are available by request. The examples within the chapters closely follow the coding standards for Java publicized by W3C and set forth in the Java Coding Guidelines created by Joe McManus MGR at Carnegie Mellon University, Software Engineering Institute. An adequate abridgement of programming standards is included in Appendix E. The examples reinforce the material introduced while building on previous material covered. They provide the information necessary to meet each milestone in the accompanying project chronologically. Again, a comprehensive project is in view. For this reason, there are no end-of-chapter reviews, summaries, or questions. However, the chapter exercises are numbered for clarity using a shaded box, and can be assigned to enhance instruction. Beginning in Chapter 5, the examples use portions of various projects, and there are accompanying slides for instruction. The Java version in use at the time of this writing is Version 8. The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) selected is Eclipse version 2019-06 which is free to download and use. The Eclipse interface is common in look and feel to most integrated development environments and is used extensively in industry. Instructions for obtaining and installing Eclipse are provided in Appendix A. including resolving JRE and JDK issues. Getting started in Eclipse is provided in Appendix B with a sample project start-up program. Links to the Eclipse web site, Java Tutorials, and the Java Coding Guidelines are included in Appendix D which also includes a link to the W3Schools web site Java tutorial. (Simber, Chris) ( ,,,,,, )
Scope and Content:
Chapter 1 Java Programming & Process 1; Chapter 2 The Eclipse IDE 9; Chapter 3 Programming in Java 15; Chapter 4 Decisions, Logic, Loops, and Methods 25; Chapter 5 Interface Design and Development 33; Chapter 6 File Handling 49; Chapter 7 Strings, and ArrayLists 63; Chapter 8 Main GUI Design and Components 71; Chapter 9 Main GUI and Data Display 83; Chapter 10 Dates, Time, Sound, and More 101; Appendix A Installing Eclipse; Appendix B Getting Started with Eclipse; Appendix C Weather Data Analysis Project; Appendix D Helpful Links to Information; Appendix E Java Programming Standards; Appendix F Multiple Panels and Layout Managers Example; Appendix G;
Simber, C. (2021). Java Programming: Basics to Advanced Concepts Advanced Programming Workshop.

Record Information

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Rowan College at Burlington County, Mount Laurel
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Rowan College at Burlington County, Mount Laurel
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Rowan College at Burlington County, Mount Laurel