Introduction to Computer Science with Java Programming

Material Information

Introduction to Computer Science with Java Programming
Bergmann, Seth D.
Place of Publication:
New Jersey
Rowan Digital Libraries
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Open and Affordable Textbooks (OAT)
Computer science ( fast )


This book is intended to be used for a first course in computer programming. No prior experience with programming should be necessary in order to use this book. But this book is intended to be used with a course that teaches more than computer programming; it is intended to be used with a course that teaches Computer Science. The distinction is subtle, but important. The author(s) believe that a breadth-first approach is the best way to introduce the concepts of Computer Science to students. Rather than isolate topics in courses (bits and bytes in a computer organization course; formal grammars and languages in a theory course; lists, sets, and maps in a data structures course; etc) we believe that topics should be introduced in a brief and simple manner at the starting level. Elaboration on these topics should occur in subsequent courses. This breadth-first approach allows the student to build on existing knowledge and retain a greater proportion of the material.
Bergmann, Seth D., "Introduction to Computer Science with Java Programming" (2019). Open Educational Resources. 2.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Rowan University
Holding Location:
Rowan Digital Works
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