Exploring Environmental Justice through Listening: An Environmental Design Case Study in Camden, NJ

Material Information

Exploring Environmental Justice through Listening: An Environmental Design Case Study in Camden, NJ
Abbreviated Title:
Exploring Environmental Justice through Listening
Kitson, Jennifer L.
Howell, Ted
Place of Publication:
New Jersey
Rowan University Libraries
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Environmental sciences ( lcsh )


This learning module is designed to introduce humanities questions into environmental engineering, planning, technology, and science courses. This module simulates cooperative and interdisciplinary environmental problem solving in an urban, industrial neighborhood which faced environmental injustice in the past. Using a neighborhood case study, students consider the historical context, five different stakeholder perspectives, and environmental justice dimensions of this community as integral to their technical design proposals related to one or more of the following topics: urban park development, waste and stormwater management, brownfield redevelopment and living shorelines. Through exposing students to research data obtained through humanities methods, such as environmental history, community planning, and oral history, this learning module tasks students with twinning social and technical objectives in environmental design and engineering solutions. Active listening activities using audio files are assigned to meaningfully engage students with the lived experiences and perspectives of environmental professionals, government agencies, and community members in the past and present as part of proposing sustainable (future) solutions.
Kitson, Jennifer L. and Howell, Ted, "Exploring Environmental Justice through Listening: An Environmental Design Case Study in Camden, NJ" (2019). Open Educational Resources. 10. https://rdw.rowan.edu/oer/10

Record Information

Source Institution:
Rowan University
Holding Location:
Rowan Digital Works
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This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution License. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation.

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