
Material Information

Flowers, Paul ( Author, Primary )
Theopold, Klaus ( Author, Primary )
Langley, Richard ( Author, Primary )
Robinson, William R. ( Author, Primary )
Publication Date:


Subjects / Keywords:
Open and Affordable Textbooks (OAT)
Chemistry ( lcsh )


Chemistry 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the two-semester general chemistry course. The textbook provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of chemistry and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them. The book also includes a number of innovative features, including interactive exercises and real-world applications, designed to enhance student learning. The second edition has been revised to incorporate clearer, more current, and more dynamic explanations, while maintaining the same organization as the first edition. Substantial improvements have been made in the figures, illustrations, and example exercises that support the text narrative. Changes made in Chemistry 2e are described in the preface to help instructors transition to the second edition. - OpenStax ( ,,,,, )
Scope and Content:
Preface 1 Essential Ideas 2 Atoms, Molecules, and Ions 3 Composition of Substances and Solutions 4 Stoichiometry of Chemical Reactions 5 Thermochemistry 6 Electronic Structure and Periodic Properties of Elements 7 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Geometry 8 Advanced Theories of Covalent Bonding 9 Gases 10 Liquids and Solids 11 Solutions and Colloids 12 Kinetics 13 Fundamental Equilibrium Concepts 14 Acid-Base Equilibria 15 Equilibria of Other Reaction Classes 16 Thermodynamics 17 Electrochemistry 18 Representative Metals, Metalloids, and Nonmetals 19 Transition Metals and Coordination Chemistry 20 Organic Chemistry 21 Nuclear Chemistry A | The Periodic Table B | Essential Mathematics C | Units and Conversion Factors D | Fundamental Physical Constants E | Water Properties F | Composition of Commercial Acids and Bases G | Standard Thermodynamic Properties for Selected Substances H | Ionization Constants of Weak Acids I | Ionization Constants of Weak Bases J | Solubility Products K | Formation Constants for Complex Ions L | Standard Electrode (Half-Cell) Potentials M | Half-Lives for Several Radioactive Isotopes Answer Key Index
Preferred Citation:
APA Style: Flowers, P., Theopold, K., Langley, R., & Robinson, W., (2019). Chemistry 2e. (2nd ed.) OpenStax. Retrieved from CC BY 4.0 license.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Rice University
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This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution License. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon this work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation.