OTC Review - Introduction to Computer Programming Java - Bergmann

OTC Review - Introduction to Computer Programming Java - Bergmann  

Creator: Bergmann, Seth
Publication Date: 2023
Resource Type: Textual
Material Type: Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword:  Open Education Resources (OER)
Open and Affordable Textbook (OAT)
Computer programming
OTC Review - Introduction to Computer Programming Java - Bergmann
OTC Review - Organic Chemistry I - Lucci

OTC Review - Organic Chemistry I - Lucci  

Creator: Lucci, Allison
Publication Date: 2023
Resource Type: Textual
Material Type: Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword:  Open Education Resources (OER)
Open and Affordable Textbook (OAT)
OTC Review - Organic Chemistry I - Lucci
OTC Review - Beginning Algebra Part I - Paxton

OTC Review - Beginning Algebra Part I - Paxton  

Creator: Paxton, Tara
Publication Date: 2023
Resource Type: Textual
Material Type: Textual (sobekcm)
Subject Keyword:  Open Education Resources (OER)
Open and Affordable Textbook (OAT)
OTC Review - Beginning Algebra Part I - Paxton