No. Title Date
321 General Physics I : Impulse Momentum Collisions (Topic 8)
322 General Physics I : Torque, Statics, and Rotational Dynamics (Topics 9-10)
323 General Physics I - Topic 11-12 : Fluids (OpenStax Chapters 14-15)
324 General Physics I : Temperature, Kinetic Theory, and the Gas Laws (Topic 13)
325 General Physics I : Thermodynamics (Topic 15)
326 General Physics I : Oscillatory Motion and Waves (Topic 16)
327 General Physics I : Physics of Hearing (Topic 17)
328 Hands-On Programming with R
329 If You Build It, Will They Come? Grassroots Growth of an OER Program
330 The Iliad
331 Indusium Slides
332 Industrial Hygiene and Hazardous Material Management Laboratory Manual
333 Integrating Humanities into Environmental Engineering Classrooms
334 International Business
335 Intro to Library Research Libguide
336 Introduction to Anthropology
337 Introduction to Business
338 Introduction to Climate Science
339 Introduction to Computer Science with Java Programming
340 Introduction to Financial Accounting I