No. Title Date
1 Environmental ScienceBites Volume 2
2 Environmental Biology
3 English for Academic Purposes
4 Spanish Grammar in Context
5 Principles of Management
6 Criminal Justice
7 Understanding Media and Culture
8 Abnormal Psychology
9 Principles of Management
10 Introduction to Psychology
11 United States History I: HIS 221 Libguide
12 English as a Second Language 097 Libguide: ESL 097
13 English as a Second Language 077 Libguide: ESL 077
14 World War I: Libguide HIS 122/132/222
15 MyOpenMath
16 Organizational Behavior / Human Relations PDF
17 What is Chemistry? Chapter 1
18 Waymaker English Composition I
19 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 3 Assignment- Getting Started in Python
20 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 4 Assignment- Decision Structures and Boolean Logic