No. Title Date
21 College Success
22 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 1 Assignment – Introduction
23 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 10 Assignment – Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs)
24 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 11 Assignment- Menus, Images, and Windows
25 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 2 Assignment- The Python Shell and IDLE
26 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 3 Assignment- Getting Started in Python
27 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 4 Assignment- Decision Structures and Boolean Logic
28 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 5 Assignment- Logic, Loops, and Functions
29 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 6 Assignment- Functions
30 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 7 Assignment- File Operations and Dialogs
31 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 8 Assignment- Strings, Lists, Dictionaries, and Sets
32 Computer Programming Python - Chapter 9 Assignment- Classes and Objects
33 Computer Systems Security: Planning for Success
34 Creative Writing Bootcamp
35 Criminal Justice
36 Criminology
37 Dante: The Divine Comedy
38 The Data Notebook
39 English Composition:Connect, Collaborate, Communicate
40 English for Academic Purposes