Beginning Algebra Parts I and II MyOpenMath OER Course

Material Information

Beginning Algebra Parts I and II MyOpenMath OER Course
Series Title:
Beginning Algebra Parts I and II MyOpenMath OER Course - Akbar
Akbar, Afsheen
Benko, Palma
Burger, David
Kim, Yon
Poetsch, Deborah
Samuelsen, Laura
Walters, Michael
Place of Publication:
New Jersey
Open Textbook Collaborative
Creation Date:
Physical Description:

Learning Resource Information

Aggregation Level:
Level 1 - a single, atomic object
Interactivity Type:
Intended User Roles:


Subjects / Keywords:
Solving Linear Equations
Systems of Equations
Open Education Resources
Beginning Algebra I and II
Rational Expressions
Least Common Denominator
Rational Equations
Textual ( sobekcm )
Target Audience:
Lower-level undergraduate


This project will create an original pdf workbook for Developmental Algebra w/examples and solutions, a guide covering how to teach the OER materials, and practice tests and sample exams.
Submitted for the Open Textbook Collaborative Project on the OpenNJ Submitted by Rachel Pieters.
This material was funded by the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) of the U.S. Department of Education for the Open Textbooks Pilot grant awarded to Middlesex College for the Open Textbook Collaborative.

Record Information

Source Institution:
Middlesex County College
Holding Location:
Middlesex County College
Rights Management:
This item is licensed with the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commerical License. This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon this work non-commercially, and although their new works must also acknowledge the author and be non-commercial, they don’t have to license their derivative works on the same terms.


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Full Text


Beginning Algebra OER Part s I and II The OER full course material consists of 3 parts: 1. Beginning Algebra OER Instructor’s Guide (pdf format) The OER course consists of 51 sections. Instructors are suggested to teach Workbook examples listed and give inclass practice problems to students using workbook exercises (instructor can always modify number of exercises if necessary, based on level of class). Homework assignments should be my video and practice problems. 2. Beginning Algebra OER Workbook (pdf format) The OER Workbook consists of 51 sections. The intention of the Workbook is that it has the amount of material and depth that an instructor can cover during their 1 to 2 hours long classes. Each student should have a printed copy of the Workbook during classes. Each of the sections in the Workbook includes: o L earning Objectives of the section. o Examples that the instructor should explain to the students during class. o Worksheet exercise corresponding to examples explained. Students should work on these exercises during class after the instructor's examples to practice the newly learned material. 3. OER Course MOM is an online OER course management system that instructors and students can use. It is easily accessible and simple to use. MOM Beginning Algebra Parts I a nd II course includes OER Workbook, OER Book, and Video and Practice problems. Video and Practice problems are intended as Homework exercises corresponding to the section taught using the workbook. o S tudents should use Video Problems to review more important parts of the lesson and solve simple problems related to them as first part of the homework. o Students should solve Practice problems as their homework as well. There is also a downloadable book that is accessible at each section that has more detailed explanations.


Accessing MOM course: You will need to follow different instructions for Parts I and II For Part I o If y ou do not have an MOM account yet, create an instructor ’s account (go to and on the main page click: request an instructor’s account and follow steps). o Copy my course from to your account: These are the steps to take to copy my course from my course coordinator’s account to your account: A. Login to your MOM instructor’s account B. On the left, under your current courses, choose: ‘ Add New Course ’ C. Choose: ‘Copy from my or a colleague's course’ D. Choose: ‘Other's Courses’ E. Choose: ‘Passaic County Community College’ F. Choose: ‘Palma Benko’ G. Choose ‘Algebra OER OTC Grant’ H. Click: ‘Continue’ all the way at the bottom of the page. I. You can change the 'Enrollment key' if you wish (it is set to be "math'' ) J. Click 'Submit' K. Next page will tell you the 'Course ID' L. You must share 'Course ID' and 'Enrollment key' with your students. Note: If you teach 2 or more sections of the same course, you will need to copy twice the course. You can rename them afterward . MOM course management is easy to use for instructors and students, so I encourage you to take advantage of the following features: o Use course calendar to set due dates o Create reviews for tests o Create tests using MOM Simple to create multiple version o Modify course content to your needs by removing/adding sections and practice problems


For Part II o If you do not have an MOM account yet, create an instructor’s account (go to and on the main page click: R equest an instructor’s account and follow steps) . o Copy my course from to your account: These are the steps to take to copy my course from my course coordinator’s accoun t to your account : A. Login to your MOM instructor’s account B. On the left, under your current courses, choose : ‘ Add New Course ’ C. Choose: ‘ Copy from my or a colleague's course ’ D. L ookup Course ID : 207977 (easier method) Or find the course this way: 1. Choose: ‘ Other's Courses ’ 2. Choose: ‘ Passaic County Community College ’ 3. Choose: ‘ Palma Benko ’ 4. Choose ‘ Beginning Algebra Part I I OER Grant 2023’ E. Click: ‘ Continue ’ all the way at the bottom of the page. F. You can change the 'Enrollment key' for your students if you wish (it is set to be "math'') G. Click 'Submit' H. Next page will tell you your 'Course ID' that you can share with your students I. You must share the new 'Course ID' and 'Enrollment key' with your students. Note: If you teach two or more sections of the same course, you will need to copy twice the course. You can rename them afterward. MOM course management is easy to use for instructors and students, so I encourage you to take advantage of the following features: o Use course calendar to set due dat es o Create reviews for tests o Create tests using MOM Simple to create multiple verison o Modify course content to your needs by removing/adding sections and practice problems